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How to use the store

1º Search for products

The shop shows us at the top a product search engine from where you can search for a product from the string entered in the form. You can also locate the products in our online shop from the sections or categories in our catalog. By clicking on the categories you will see a list of the subcategories dependent on it if any or directly a list of products belonging to that category.

- On the page of each category or subcategory will be listed all the products belonging to it, including products on offer and/or recommended products selected by ##commerce##.

- Clicking on a product will take you to the corresponding file with detailed information about it, its characteristics, images, and price.
Product cards may show different characteristics or variations of the product itself (color, size, etc.). These characteristics may vary the product's final price, which will be shown when you select them. In some cases, you can also access information about packs in which the product is included and/or related products.

2º Add products to your basket

To add any product to your basket, click on the button or icon performing this action. Depending on the type of product, you will have the option to add it to your basket from multiple places (shop window, product page, category list, etc.).

- You will always have the option to take a quick look at your basket by placing the cursor over the button available for this purpose at the top of the shop. While browsing the shop you will always have the option to see a summary of the status of your basket. Once in the basket, you will be able to modify the units included in a product, delete products and see the amount of your order. From the basket itself you will be able to make the final purchase by clicking on the button indicated to proceed to process the order.

- You can also add products to the basket from your customer account, an area where your details and purchase history are shown. Each of the orders previously placed is listed and has a link ready to include the products of that order in the current basket and thus save time browsing the shop. This function is useful if you have to repeat an order you have already placed and you want to repeat it. Of course, you can make the necessary changes to adjust your new order in the basket.

3º "Login

-The next step is to identify yourself with your email and password if you are already a customer of Modelmotor- Tienda de miniaturas a escala or fill in the customer form if it is your first time buying in our shop. Previously you can also have identified yourself in the shop from the option available for it.
Once identified you will see the screen with the billing and shipping information, amount of products, and shipping costs, which will be calculated according to the destination and payment method you have selected on the same screen.

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